Sub-menu items are broken on multilingual sites in several of your free and paid templates
by anonymous on 15 May 2018 06:01 | 1834 Hits | 1 comment(s)
Hello. There is a problem with sub-menu items only being displayed properly on single language websites. On multilingual sites we use separate menu modules for each language and sub-menu items are only displayed if you are on the parent page (menu item type is set to "article") but not when you are elsewhere on the site and not if the parent menu item type is URL, Menu Heading or Separator. This problem presents in RSJuno!, RSVario! and the newly released RSTrone! all installed on Joomla 3.8.7 running on PHP 7.0, 7.1 and even 7.2. Just follows the official Joomla's guide to create a simple multilingual website and create two menus with some sub-items to see the problem.
The cause might be the menu module configuration
QuotePlease double check and make sure that the "Show sub-menu items" option from the menu module configuration is enabled, then test this functionality one more time.