Graphic improvements in RSPageBuilder!
by getonux on 25 Oct 2018 15:11 | 1980 Hits | 0 comment(s)
I find the component very useful and easy to use. I think it should be possible to further improve the graphic settings of some elements, such as, for example, the Accordion or the Tab elements. Indeed, I had the opportunity to use PageBuilder CK ( for another site, where all the settings are much more advanced, compared to RSPageBuilder!
This is not a criticism; but I hope that the RSJoomla! team will be able to make improvements in the near future so that this great tool can offer the same possibilities.
In the meantime, I would still like to congratulate you on the magnificent work of the team, the efficiency of your support and the quality of your products.
Many thanks to you, Dragos, Adrian and all the others.