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RS-events Check-ins component

by rakeshy on 02 Jun 2023 20:39 | 330 Hits | 0 comment(s)

Extra RSJoomla component that works together with RSevent Subscribers listing and has ACL (Joomla user acces settings)

- Gives frontpage user acces to show a listing of all subsribers of a selected (by pulldown) event
- Lists selected event subscribers in Alphabetical order
- Lists purchased Ticket(s) of each subscriber
- Checkbox of each ticket to select Confirmed of the ticket: Adding Row to database _rseventspro_confirmed
- Lists only upcoming+today in the pulldown event listing (pulldown of upcoming events listed by firstdate)
- If possible giving ticket details with each subscriber
- Removes row from _rseventspro_confirmed` when checkbox is deselected
- When all tickets of subscriber have been confirmed, row gets dimmed
- When checkbox has been clicked: add this info to Subscription Log
- Checkboxes need to be large, and with easy CSS styling
- Listing by subscriber name and ticket type

Basically it a Subscriber confirmation overview of an event on a page.

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