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Joomla User-Action log plugin

by Gerard.Verheij on 27 Dec 2023 15:52 | 434 Hits | 0 comment(s)

Since version 3.9 Joomla has a pretty advanced logging-system based on the user-action log plugin. See here: https://docs.joomla.org/J4.x:User_Actions_Log

Please develop the plugin so that also RSForms!Pro makes use of this logging-system.

For example, make log-items in the Joomla Action Log when a Front-end-user:
- Starts filling in a form,
- It gets a (validation) failure,
- When submission of the form is not succesfull
- When submission of the form is succesfull
- When User/Admin e-mail is send
- etc.

Please add the user-id and form-name/id in the log-item. How to develop this functionality is in the link...

Thank you!

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