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2 votes


by roj on 22 Jan 2024 11:40 | 314 Hits | 0 comment(s)

The eats-configuration is to unflexible.
The "draggable" "min-height" of the rows are to big (90px)so I would like it to be set to 50px as a new default in "ticket.css".

I managed to put a adjusted "tickets.css" in the template section and it seems to work for the frontend.
But not for the admin-panel. So I found out how to do that as well.
What I'm trying to achieve is to minimize the height of the displayed rows of seats so in the ".draggable" need to have a min-height of "50px" instead of "90px".
I would be much easier if you set a new default in the actual "tickets.css" and make 50px the default min-height for draggable.


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