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Seat row configuration

by roj on 22 Jan 2024 11:50 | 313 Hits | 1 comment(s)

You recently added the ability to rotate the containers - great! We have at seat-configuration as in the picture attached.
1/ when one rotate the numbers is upside-down - possible to change?
2/ when one rotater the numbers need to be changed the way its counted left>right to rihgt to left?
3/ As you can se we have stairs within the rows - is it possible to put in blanks so that the seatconfiguration mimics the real layout?

In our ticket "TECH-CVUIS8VGOF" there is a drawing of our layout.


Kulturföreningen RoJ - 29.04.2024 (03:17:27)
addition to the request - cancel seats

I have previously asked for a way to mimic our seat-configuration were we have stairs running through our rows.
I tried to use the available configuration tools were one can disable seats in different ways - Automatic or Manual.
We want to use the Manual way - BUT - the option to exclude the cancelled seats from numbering only applies to the Automatic option.
Is there a way to get the exclude-option also for the Manual way?


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