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14 votes

Duty rota

by Mansaylon on 25 Apr 2024 14:27 | 180 Hits | 0 comment(s)

I am looking for a component to create duty rosters/work schedules. Whereby it also needs a time recording.
There would be many possibilities to use such a component.
Hospitals or nursing homes could use it to create their duty rosters for employees. But also companies that have to provide different duty rosters for their employees every month (e.g. in hotels).

I thought, because RSJoomla provides really high-quality components, that this could be a possible new product. If this is a good idea for RSJoomla, I would be happy to document the idea and the possible functions in more detail. I would of course also be available for beta testing ;-)

I would be happy to get feedback on my idea.

Best Regards
Reto Waldvogel

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