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Improvements for importing files into RSEvents!Pro

by wilbert4 on 06 Jul 2024 18:07 | 207 Hits | 0 comment(s)

We have several suggestions to improve RSEvents!Pro > Import:

1. The most important: RSEvents!Pro > Import: Importing csv files is rather complicated and time-consuming, especially for languages with many punctuation marks. In fact we can’t use the import feature because we get several errors. Afterwards it´s time consuming to find out which events are imported and which not. Why doesn’t RSEvents!Pro support importing xlsx files?

2. RSEvents!Pro > Import: We miss several common fields in the csv setup that are often used in events. For example: why is there no MediaGallery tag field included?

3. RSEvents!Pro > Import: the field name ‘Event description’ in the csv appears to represent only the ‘long description’; the short description is lacking and stays empty. Besides this it’s quit complicated to have long texts in a csv cell (see also: punctuation marks). We have a better solution: it would be very convenient to add long & short descriptions afterwards based on a (for example) a category tag or other tag and fill both the short and long description within the Component RSEvents!Pro by using the Batch feature. The corresponding texts and translations should then be placed within an certain area in RSEvents!Pro. By doing so we don’t need to import any short or long descriptions; only a certain tag and add these afterwards with a new Batch feature. This way admins also can avoid problems with punctuation issues when importing csv files. This batch feature can also be used for corrections errors within texts. Because at the moment filling events with several languages is very time consuming.

4. RSEvents!Pro > Import: The name of the event is lacking in the csv.

5. RSEvents!Pro > Import: Importing the Location name, adres & url would also be convenient.

6. RSEvents!Pro > Import: There’s no tag in the csv file for RSMediaGallery.

7. Settings in RSEvents!Pro > Import: When I set the field Starting and Ending to for example ’08-09-2024 20:30’ the imported event show this notation: ‘2024-09-08 20:30’. Even when we set RSEvents!Pro > Settings > General to ‘date’ : d.m.Y. When we start editing the imported events or manually filling in events this is quit confusing.

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