Import subscribers
by theo.prinssen on 23 Oct 2024 07:58 | 221 Hits | 0 comment(s)
First of all, I am an avid user of RSBlog!
Now I am working on a site for an association. This site has two parts, a public part and a part for registered members.
In the members section there is a news page. I made this with RSBlog, because people can subscribe to new articles.
Now this association has more than 100 members who need to be kept informed about new articles in the blog.
Now I think that in this case it would be very useful if the administrator of the website has the possibility to import registered (Joomla) users into RSBlog in the subscribers section of RSBlog..
I think this functionality in RSBlog will be of great use to the Joomla community and of course good for your sales ;-)
Best regards,
Theo prinssen