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90 votes

RS School?

by mindenaron on 07 Jul 2011 20:07 | 6312 Hits | 0 comment(s)

A complete school authoring tool is what I had in mind. It would integrate well with a would be LMS or a Quiz component but that is something different. It's main function would be an electronic grade book. Students can only see their marks / grades in different school subjects and parents could also see their own children's grades. Other school reports being relevant to a particular student would be a nice feature of it. Admin could assign teacher roles, it would be capable of handling school timetables. School timetables could be edited by admin (or assigned teachers)or could be imported from other, professional school timetable softwares like ASC Timetables.(www.asctimetables.com)This RS School! component could be in harmony with a good RS Quiz component allowing teachers to test their students, a good LMS which can handle whole courses, with RS Membership, which would add as a paid / free stuff possibility. All the other RSJoomla products could be integrated into this RS Scool project. The trend for schools nowadays is to give more information to students and parents and I'm sure there is definitely market for such a product. With a price under 100 Euros, this would be teh cheapest solution for schools, so they would choose it.
Any suggestions?

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