
Standard HTML input textarea with the following configuration tabs:
- Name: the name of the form component. This needs to be unique for each form. It can contain only alphanumeric chars. The name of the field is only used for internal reference - it will not be displayed in the front-end area.
- Caption: the caption or label is the text or HTML that is being displayed in the actual form.
- Default value: the value will be automatically filled in when displaying the form. Inside the Default Value area you can use custom PHP codes in between the //<code> and //</code> tags. An example on how to display user related information(if the user is logged in) when the form loads in the frontend can be found here.
- Description: text/HTML area that provides a description of the field. This can be useful for providing explanations or indications for that particular field.
- Required: Yes / No - if this is enabled some text needs to be typed in or a selection to be made.
- Validation rule: before a form is submitted, the field needs to pass the validation rule.
- Letters: only standard letters will be accepted
- Numbers: only numbers will be accepted
- Letters and numbers: numbers and letters (ASCII standard) are accepted.
- Letters (+ accented characters): only standard letters and accented ones will be accepted
- Letters(+ accented characters) and numbers: numbers, letters and accented letters (ASCII standard) are accepted.
- Email: if selected, only email valid email addresses (format wise) will pass the validation rule.
- Email Address /w DNS check: besides the email address format check, RSform!Pro performs an additional email domain check, thus reducing the chance to validate dummy email addresses.
- Minimum Length: if this is selected, you'll be prompted with a new 'Length' field where you can add your desired number.
- Maximum Length: if this is selected, you'll be prompted with a new 'Length' field where you can add your desired number.
- Unique Field: if enabled, this validation will only allow a field value that hasn't been submitted before, for that particular form.
- Unique Field per User: if enabled, this validation will only allow a field value that hasn't been submitted before by the logged in user.
- USA ZIP Code: only valid ZIP numbers (format wise) can be submitted. Valid formats are 5 numeric values only or 5 numeric along with a dash ("-"), followed by another group of 4 numeric values. Examples of accepted formats: "12345", "12345-1234".
- Phone Number: only the following phone number format will be validated: "123-456-7890"
- Credit Card: if selected, credit card numbers from the following vendors will be validated: AMEX, Diners, Discover, Master Card and Visa
- Custom Validation: this can be used in combination with any other validation rule (apart from "password"). Using this you can validate additional chars. This is particularly useful if your language has special chars - thus these can be validated.
- Passphrase: the typed in value will be accepted only if it matches with the value specified in the Default Value area. This is often used for password fields, but can be applied for plain text box fields.
- IP Address: will only validate valid IP addresses. Example:
- Valid URL: will only validate a valid URL. Example: http://site.com, https://site.com/path/here. Note that the protocol specification is required (http/https).
- Regex: this can be used for more advanced users to create their own validation patterns. Standard regular expressions specifications can be used.
- Restricted Words Filtering: using this will allow you to add restricted words (separated by comma ,) in the dedicated field revealed after selecting this rule.
- Restricted Text Filtering: using this will allow you to add restricted text (separated by comma ,) in the dedicated field revealed after selecting this rule.
- Same Value as Other Field: using this will check if two fields have the same value, selecting this validation another field will appear called "Field Name To Compare With" where you can add that field's exact name you want it to compare to.
- Validation Message: text / HTML area that will allow you to set up a message that will be displayed if the field validation fails.
When selecting Letters, Numbers, Letters and Numbers validation rule, an Extra accepted characters field will be available, in which you can add punctuation marks and accented characters that will be accepted by the validation rule.
The Attributes area allows you to add JavaScripts triggers, custom style (for that particular field), impose size restrictions, etc. Anything filled in this area, will be added directly to the HTML tag.
- Cols: Specifies the visible width of a text-area
- Rows: Specifies the visible number of rows in a text-area
- Placeholder: - this option has been introduced along with RSForm!Pro version 1.51.0 and allows setting up the field's placeholder
- Enable WYSIWYG Editor: if enabled the default configured editor will be added
- Max Size: This is the maximum number of characters that can be typed in this field eg. 255
- Show Character Count: If enabled, this will display a paragraph showing the character count.
- Readonly: Make the input field read-only (cannot be typed in).
- Additional Attributes: anything filled in this area, will be added directly to the HTML input tag. For example:
JavaScript: onkeyup="your_function();" - this will trigger a JavaScript function whenever you type in something in that particular textbox.
CSS: style="font-weight:bold" - the text will have be bold.
Input property: disabled="disabled" - the field will be completely disabled. You will not be able to type in, and its value will not be submitted.
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