
Ep. 57: RSForm!Pro Constant Contact Integration

Constant Contact is an email marketing solution that allows you to send newsletters to your subscribers.
You can create custom subscription forms for Constant Contact using the RSForm!Pro-Constant Contact plugin.
After the form submission, user's details will be passed further to your Constant Contact account.

This video tutorial explains step by step, how to install and configure the RSForm!Pro - Constant Contact plugin.


Step 1: Install the Constant Contact plugin

  1. To install the RSForm!Pro Constant Contact Plugin, head to Extensions >> Install/Uninstall and upload the package


Step 2: configure the Constant Contact plugin

  1. In the RSForm!Pro "Configuration" tab, add your Constant Contact account details: username, password and the API key. You can get the Constant Contact API key from http://community.constantcontact.com/t5/Documentation/API-Keys/ba-p/25015


Step 3: create the Constant Contact subscribers list

  1. 1. Access your Constant Contact account and click on the "Contacts" tab.
  2. 2. Create a new Constant Contact list. This list will include all the user details submitted through the subscribing form.


Step 4: Create the subscription form

  1. In this example, we've added 3 form fields to collect subscriber's email, first name and last name, a drop-down with the subscriber's interests, a radio-group, so users can choose whether to subscribe or unsubscribe from the newsletter, a radio-group so users can choose the email type: HTML or text.


Step 5: Map the form fields with the Constant Contact list

  1. 1. First, enable the Constant Contact Integration.
  2. 2. You can allow users to choose their action: subscribe/unsubscribe. Notice that the chosen user value will be assigned to the corresponding Constant Contact list field.
  3. 3. Select the Constant Contact subscribers list that we've previously created.
  4. 4. You can allow users to choose their email type: HTML or text. Notice that the chosen email type will be assigned to the corresponding Constant Contact list field.
  5. 5. Map the RSForm!Pro fields with the corresponding Constant Contact list fields: email, first and last name.
  6. 6. You can add custom fields as well. In our example, the selected drop-down values will be assigned to the Constant Contact custom field.
  7. After the form submission, the user details are passed to the Constant Contact list. The user interest will be saved in the Constant Contact custom field. The subscriber receives a notification email from Constant Contact. The user is added in the Constant Contact newsletter list.
    The submitted details are assigned to the configured Constant Contact list.


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