We've been working hard lately to bring you RSForm!Pro rev. 41 with hot new features:
multiple validation rules, fallback method for Joomla! language files, migration plugin for BF Forms and many more.
1. Multiple validation rules
The form field values have new validation rules:
- "Unique Field": when this validation rule is selected, RSForm!Pro won’t allow 2 identical field values
- "Email Address with DNS Check" - an additional email validation checks the availability of the specified domain name
- "Credit Card (AMEX/Diners/Discover/Master Card/Visa)” : when selected, RSForm!Pro checks if the submitted card information are valid
- "USA ZIP Code" validation: checks if the submitted values are USA valid zip codes.
- "Phone Number (123-456-7890)" validation: - check if supplied value is a valid phone number
- "IP Address" and “URL”: only valid IP addresses and URL-s will be submitted
- "Regex" validation: when applying this validation rule, advanced users can create their own validation patterns.