We have been quite busy these days, while working on a new RSTickets! release ( with the top requested feature - the reporting tool ) and launching our new comment extension - RSComments!
As the name suggests, RSComments! is a commenting system for Joomla!, in the RSJoomla style, designed to work on any article, blog or other extensions.
- can submit comments with or without registration (depending on user restrictions)
- can have an avatar displayed in comments from Gravatar, CB, JomSocial, Kunena and FireBoard
- can vote for comments that like or dislike (similar to stumbleupon.com)
- RSS feed for comments
- quote for comments
- see and send emails to other users that have been contributed at discussions (also based on their permissions)
- use smiles & BBcode
- access "who is" information about a specific author by querying the RIPE Database, a public database containing registration details of the IP addresses and AS numbers.
- insert images, code, links, YouTube and Google videos