RSTickets! Pro Changelog
03 Mar 2025
Version 3.2.10
- Added - Support for ReCAPTCHA v3.
- Fixed - Invisible ReCAPTCHA was no longer working due to undocumented changes in the Google ReCAPTCHA JS API.
29 Jan 2025
Version 3.2.9
- Fixed - In some cases the 'Hide Department for User Groups (Customers)' property was cleared when submitting a ticket to that specific department.
13 Sep 2024
Version 3.2.8
- Fixed - When assigning a Staff Member to a ticket and changing either the Status, Priority or Subject the email placeholders would still show the old values.
10 Sep 2024
Version 3.2.7
- Fixed - When assigning a Staff Member to a ticket and changing either the Status or the Priority a System Message showing this change would not be saved.
- Fixed - When replying to a ticket, the Knowledgebase Search results would appear behind the editor.
22 Aug 2024
Version 3.2.6
- Added - 'Knowledgebase - Create Article' menu item.
- Added - 'Knowledgebase - Create Category' menu item.
- Added - 'Save and Close' button when adding a new note.
- Updated - Knowledgebase Articles can now be edited from the frontend if the user has enough permissions.
- Fixed - 'View Notes' pagination was not working due do changes to the Pagination class in Joomla! 5.1.3 / 4.4.7
09 Jul 2024
Version 3.2.5
- Updated - Bumped minimum requirements to use Joomla! 3.10.0
- Updated - The 'Submit Reply' button is now larger.
- Updated - The email {ticket} placeholder will now return a SEF link.
27 Jun 2024
Version 3.2.4
- Updated - Magnific Popup updated to v1.2.0
- Updated - CSS and JS files have been minified.
- Fixed - Custom fields placeholders are now working in all emails except: 'Email sent when a ticket has been rejected based on current settings' and 'Email sent when a new user is created'.
- Fixed - Some PHP 8 deprecated messages might appear when using Custom Fields.
18 Apr 2024
Version 3.2.3
- Fixed - Joomla! 5.1 Dark Mode fixes.
28 Mar 2024
Version 3.2.2
- Added - Custom fields can be configured globally for all departments.
14 Mar 2024
Version 3.2.1
- Fixed - The 'Ticket - Dashboard' menu item no longer shows a 'Submit Ticket' section if the user is logged in as a Staff Member without enough permissions to submit tickets.
- Fixed - Tickets that have been closed without a reply from the customer no longer show up as bold in the 'Ticket - Dashboard' menu item.
- Fixed - Some field descriptions were missing when configuring the 'Tickets - List' menu item.
31 Jan 2024
Version 3.2.0
- Added - Joomla! 5 native compatibility - no longer needs the 'Behaviour - Backward Compatibility' plugin.
- Updated - When editing the Signature the editor field is now 100% width.
- Updated - Supporting Kunena 6.x avatars.
- Fixed - JomComment integration removed.
- Fixed - An undefined notice could show up on the Knowledgebase Results page.
- Fixed - Accessing the 'User - Remove Data' request without a valid token could end up in a redirect loop.
- Fixed - Deleting a Joomla! user would not remove its RSTickets! Pro data from the database.
08 Dec 2023
Version 3.1.3
- Fixed - An error message would show up on Joomla! 4+ when accessing the ticket rating URL.
24 Oct 2023
Version 3.1.2
- Updated - Dark Mode in Joomla! 5 was unreadable.
- Updated - Some Joomla! 5 code improvements.
- Fixed - Selecting a user from the modal was not working in Joomla! 5.
- Fixed - No longer installing the 'Search - RSTickets! Pro Knowledgebase' plugin in Joomla! 4+
- Fixed - A short open PHP tag could throw an error in the Knowledgebase results page.
17 Jul 2023
Version 3.1.1
- Fixed - "Checkbox Group" Custom Fields would not save after being unselected.
29 May 2023
Version 3.1.0
- Added - 'Global Message Position' and 'Submit Message Position' options allowing you to place messages at the top, bottom or disable their placement.
- Added - 'Show Submit Form Headings' option - allows to display headings separating the sections in the 'Ticket - Submit Form' menu item.
- Added - 'Thumbs Type' for the 'Tickets - Dashboard' menu item, allowing you to upload images instead of the built-in icons.
- Added - 'Show Search' parameter for the 'Tickets - Dashboard' menu item.
- Added - 'Show Category Name' option when editing a category.
- Added - Option to 'Split Knowledgebase To Tabs' for the 'Tickets - Dashboard' and 'Knowledgebase - List' menu items.
- Added - Choose the 'Top Category' for the 'Tickets - Dashboard' and 'Knowledgebase - List' menu items.
- Added - 'Advanced SEF' option allowing to create /category-name/article-title SEF links for the Knowledgebase.
- Added - 'Feedback Section' allowing you to display a 'Was this article helpful?' message at the end of an article.
- Added - Limit the number of subcategories displayed in the 'Tickets - Dashboard' and 'Knowledgebase - List' menu items.
- Added - Option to show the category thumb next to the category title when browsing one.
- Added - Knowledgebase articles can have 'Draft' versions that can be seen only by staff members.
- Added - 'Thumb' option for Knowledgebase articles.
- Added - Knowledgebase articles can be tagged and filtered in the frontend based on those tags.
- Added - Categories can now show articles either as a list or columns (with a pre-set number of columns available).
- Added - Option to auto-calculate the 'Hot' article threshold to 75% of the most viewed article.
- Added - Option to skip the 'Consent' checkbox for staff members.
- Updated - Tickets can now be deleted from the ticket toolbar (if staff has permission).
- Updated - Breadcrumb now shows the current ticket.
- Updated - Frontend HTML has been reworked and more classes added to aid in custom styling.
20 Mar 2023
Version 3.0.20
- Fixed - On some servers the 'Select User' modal would load an incorrect URL when SEF is turned on.
13 Jan 2023
Version 3.0.19
- Added - 'Reply To' and 'Reply To Name' options for the email setup.
- Updated - IP address now takes into account the 'Behind Load Balancer' setting from Global Configuration.
- Updated - Bumped minimum requirements to use Joomla! 3.9.0+
- Updated - Some CSS declarations for the Dashboard menu item.
- Fixed - Captcha rendering on PHP 8.1+ could throw some deprecated notices.
09 Jan 2023
Version 3.0.18
- Updated - 'Assigned To' dropdown will now only show the current ticket's departments.
- Fixed - IPv6 addresses could not be stored in Joomla! 4 or were truncated in Joomla! 3
- Fixed - Clearing the 'From' or 'To' calendar fields in Joomla! 3 would not reset the tickets search.
- Fixed - Some custom fields could throw an error on PHP 8.1
02 Sep 2022
Version 3.0.17
- Fixed - 'Calendar' custom field date was saved incorrectly if timezone was set to -UTC.
- Fixed - Time Spent was calculated incorrectly in the ticket listing view.
31 Aug 2022
Version 3.0.16
- Fixed - 'Time Spent' was incorrectly calculated in the 'Tickets' view when total time spent was less than 1 hour.
25 Aug 2022
Version 3.0.15
- Fixed - Calendar field was throwing an error due to Joomla! 4.2 changes.
- Fixed - Calendar field was not taking into account the timezone configuration.
24 Aug 2022
Version 3.0.14
- Added - CSV options in Configuration - Tickets: Strip HTML Tags, Strip New Lines, Delimiter and Enclosure.
- Added - You can now search tickets based on 'From' and 'To' date intervals.
- Updated - Exporting tickets into CSV now takes into account current search options.
02 Aug 2022
Version 3.0.13
- Fixed - 'Hide Department for User Groups (Customers)' could not be deselected.
- Fixed - Some PHP notices could appear in the backend when running PHP 8.1
21 Jun 2022
Version 3.0.12
- Fixed - When 'Use the Joomla! editor for writing messages' was set to 'No' emails sent were not preserving new lines.
07 Jun 2022
Version 3.0.11
- Added - Triggers before and after creating the Joomla! user - onRsticketsproBeforeCreateUser() and onRsticketsproAfterCreateUser()
- Fixed - In some cases a message could disrupt the HTML code on the page causing a Javascript error.
- Fixed - Custom Fields with multiple values could throw a PHP Warning on the page if any value contained HTML entities.
25 May 2022
Version 3.0.10
- Fixed - Custom fields were throwing an error due to changes in Joomla! 4.1.4.
16 May 2022
Version 3.0.9
- Fixed - After choosing a rating the stars were not disabled and some Javascript errors occurred.
06 April 2022
Version 3.0.8
- Fixed - 'Search only flagged tickets' was being reset when switching the page.
- Fixed - 'Search only flagged tickets' was not being saved in the Predefined Search.
- Fixed - The Predefined Search was not highlighted when switching the page.
13 Jan 2022
Version 3.0.7
- Updated - Knowledgebase category images now retain the same format instead of being saved as JPEG.
03 Jan 2022
Version 3.0.6
- Fixed - Knowledgebase Category images were not saved on PHP 8.
22 Dec 2021
Version 3.0.5
- Fixed - Custom fields were not showing up for customers.
15 Dec 2021
Version 3.0.4
- Added - Ticket attachments can be removed individually if the staff member can delete ticket replies.
- Updated - jQuery Raty updated to v3.1.1 and feedback ratings are now shown using fonts instead of images.
- Updated - {field-CUSTOM_FIELD_NAME} can now be used in all places where the {custom-fields} placeholder is available.
- Updated - Available placeholders are now shown when configuring emails.
- Updated - After editing and saving a reply the page now automatically refreshes.
- Fixed - In some cases the flagging ticket AJAX request could access an incorrect URL.
- Fixed - Some URLs were missing SEF routes.
- Fixed - The attachment icon is now removed when the ticket no longer has files attached to it.
08 Sep 2021
Version 3.0.3
- Fixed - Search form was incorrectly showing the 'Customer' and 'Staff' inputs without clicking on the 'Advanced' button.
25 Aug 2021
Version 3.0.2
- Added - Option - 'Use btn-group On Radios' that can disable 'btn-group' in the frontend to work around 3rd party templates that don't handle this class.
26 Mar 2021
Version 3.0.1
- Fixed - An error could show up when editing a 'Predefined Search'.
18 Mar 2021
Version 3.0.0
- Added - Joomla! 4.0 compatibility.
- Updated - Replaced most images with font icons.
- Updated - Code improvements and legacy code removed.
18 Nov 2020
Version 2.4.4
- Fixed - A Fatal Error could show up on servers running PHP 5.3 versions.
11 Nov 2020
Version 2.4.3
- Fixed - 'Time Spent' was incorrectly shown in the tickets listing if 'Time Spent Type' was set to 'Manual Input'.
- Fixed - 'Time Spent' was shown in the 'Ordering' dropdown in the tickets listing even if 'Enable Time Spent' was set to 'No'.
16 Oct 2020
Version 2.4.2
- Fixed - 'Time Spent' was not being displayed after the ticket was closed.
- Fixed - After clearing 'Time Spent' the total was not reset.
14 Oct 2020
Version 2.4.1
- Added - ACL permissions for backend RSTickets! Pro areas.
- Updated - Moved 'Article Template' to 'Configuration' area.
- Updated - 'Article Template' placeholders: {message_user_name}, {message_user_username}, {message_user_email}.
01 Oct 2020
Version 2.4.0
- Added - Improved ticket time tracker - the time spent on a ticket can now be tracked when the work has begun or stopped.
- Added - Tickets can be exported in CSV format.
- Added - Email addresses can be blocked from submitting tickets.
- Updated - Staff members can add a reply on behalf of the customer.
- Updated - Staff members can now be excluded from being automatically assigned tickets to them.
- Updated - An alternative email can be added to the ticket, so that it can accept replies from this email address as well.
- Updated - Departments can now be hidden from customers to emulate 'internal' departments.
- Updated - Removed some old code and the phpThumb class.
- Updated - Changed built-in Captcha class.
13 Aug 2020
Version 2.3.8
- Added - Can now bulk change the ticket's department.
- Fixed - The ticket will become unassigned if the department has changed and the already assigned staff member does not have access to it.
- Fixed - Bulk assigning staff members would incorrectly allow to assign staff members that do not belong to the ticket's department.
13 Jul 2020
Version 2.3.7
- Fixed - 'Knowledgebase Item ID' from the Dashboard menu item is taken in consideration when a search is performed.
26 Mar 2020
Version 2.3.6
- Added - Can specify which user groups are administrators in Configuration - General - Administrator Groups.
- Fixed - Staff Member dropdown options were not disabled when 'Can move tickets from one department to another' was set to 'No'.
28 Mar 2019
Version 2.3.5
- Fixed - Pre-selecting a checkbox value with [c] was not working.
05 Feb 2019
Version 2.3.4
- Fixed - Specifying the 'Default Message' on the 'Submit Ticket' menu item would override other settings.
04 Feb 2019
Version 2.3.3
- Added - 'Submit Ticket' menu item can pre-fill the Default Message.
- Added - Can now set mandatory uploads when submitting a ticket.
- Fixed - Some additional HTML attributes work on the Joomla! Calendar field.
28 Jan 2019
Version 2.3.2
- Added - Can now use the default Joomla! Captcha Plugin.
- Added - Google Invisible reCAPTCHA support.
- Added - 'Use Consent on Forms' option which provides the ability to disable the mandatory consent checkbox.
- Updated - Staff members are now sorted alphabetically in the 'Assigned To' dropdown.
- Updated - Allowed maximum number of files and maximum upload file size are now shown on the ticket submission and ticket reply pages.
15 Nov 2018
Version 2.3.1
- Added - Compatibility with the Privacy component.
- Fixed - Removed the Updates screen since updates have been integrated with Joomla! for quite some time now.
22 May 2018
Version 2.3.0
- Added - Store IPs option in configuration.
- Added - Store User Agent option in configuration.
- Added - Allow users to anonymise their data.
- Added - Admin can anonymise user's data manually upon request.
- Updated - Consent must be given by ticking a checkbox when submitting either a ticket or adding a reply.
- Fixed - Deleting a ticket message would not delete the attachments from the server.
- Fixed - Removed Fireboard from the list of available avatars.
- Fixed - Removed ReCAPTCHA 1.0 configuration options.
05 Jan 2018
Version 2.2.1
- Fixed - Category default image was not being shown.
- Fixed - An error would occur if Use Joomla! Configuration was set to No and From Email was empty.
05 Dec 2017
Version 2.2.0
- Updated - Assets have been moved to /media/com_rsticketspro to allow overrides.
- Updated - Code optimization.
- Updated - Joomla! 3.7.0 set as minimum requirements.
- Updated - Emails can now be unpublished.
- Fixed - Removed Joomla! 2.5 leftovers.
- Fixed - Facebook comments were not using SSL.
- Fixed - Knowledgebase replies were throwing a Javascript error.
- Fixed - When the department was changed, the old ticket code was incorrectly sent in the subject.
- Fixed - Auto-closing tickets did not properly record the date when the ticket was closed.
20 Nov 2017
Version 2.1.19
- Fixed - No longer auto-closes tickets that have been re-opened manually.
17 Nov 2017
Version 2.1.18
- Added - Choose the 'Magnific Popup' modal instead of the default 'Bootstrap'.
- Updated - Moved 'Permissions' to 'Global Configuration'.
26 Oct 2017
Version 2.1.17
- Fixed - Passwords were not sent when using the Cron Plugin and 'Allow users to set their own password' was set to 'Yes'.
22 Aug 2017
Version 2.1.16
- Fixed - Worked around JUri::isInternal() bug not redirecting to the correct page after login.
21 Aug 2017
Version 2.1.15
- Updated - Switched to Bootstrap Modals.
- Fixed - MooTools should no longer be loaded on frontend pages.
06 Jul 2017
Version 2.1.14
- Fixed - Empty passwords were allowed when using 'Allow users to set their own password'.
- Fixed - Password validation now validates passwords according to 'Password Options' in the 'Users' component.
16 May 2017
Version 2.1.13
- Fixed - Typo was preventing the 'Your Password' field from displaying a tooltip in the Submit Ticket page.
03 May 2017
Version 2.1.12
- Updated - When editing a Predefined Search you can now see what parameters have been saved for that search.
- Fixed - Backend ticket listings were not working correctly when searching due to single-selection 'Filter' dropdowns on the sidebar.
03 May 2017
Version 2.1.11
- Fixed - 'Existing User' did not show user selection button due to Joomla! 3.7.0 changes.
27 Apr 2017
Version 2.1.10
- Fixed - Calendar field was no longer working due to Joomla! 3.7.0 changes.
- Fixed - Itemid was not properly calculated in some cases.
13 Mar 2017
Version 2.1.9
- Updated - Users' message is now filtered when shown according to the 'Text Filters' setup in the Global Configuration area.
08 Feb 2017
Version 2.1.8
- Added - Option to disable the 'Reply Above Message'.
- Updated - Sorting tickets by status or priority will now sort according to the ordering set instead of alphabetically.
- Fixed - Ordering core statuses was not possible.
03 Feb 2017
Version 2.1.7
- Fixed - Changed tooltips to reflect the new Popover style introduced in Joomla! 3.6.1.
06 Jan 2017
Version 2.1.6
- Fixed - Ticket replies were still attaching uploaded files even if the 'Download type' option was set to 'Link to server'.
- Fixed - When sending staff member emails, attachment links were missing the domain name.
31 Oct 2016
Version 2.1.5
- Fixed - {staff} placeholders in emails were not working correctly with static assignment departments.
21 Jun 2016
Version 2.1.4
- Fixed - Ticket ratings were not being saved.
06 Apr 2016
Version 2.1.3
- Fixed - Workaround for Joomla! 3.5.1 JMail breaking backwards compatibility.
23 Mar 2016
Version 2.1.2
- Fixed - Joomla! 3.5.0 update made customer and staff selection window unresponsive.
21 Mar 2016
Version 2.1.1
- Fixed - Auto-notify and auto-close were not working on Joomla! 2.5.
- Fixed - Typo in Installer Plugin instructions.
17 Mar 2016
Version 2.1.0
- Added - Department change notification email.
- Added - Follow-Up feedback email on ticket close.
- Added - Option to allow users to set their own password.
- Added - Option to create usernames from email address, e.g. username will be
- Added - Tickets can be notified automatically at a pre-configured interval of time.
- Added - Updates will now show up in the Joomla! Update section.
- Updated - Option to generate a download link instead of sending email attachments.
- Updated - Global and Submit Messages, Custom Field Descriptions can now be language strings.
- Updated - Option to clear entire cron log.
- Updated - Set a default pre-defined subject by using the [c] tag.
- Updated - Use PHP code in pre-defined subject.
08 Jan 2016
Version 2.0.11
- Fixed - Built-in Captcha could not be validated due to Joomla! session changes.
13 Nov 2015
Version 2.0.10
- Fixed - Community Builder avatar wasn't being shown.
05 Nov 2015
Version 2.0.9
- Fixed - When submitting a ticket, some files could not be uploaded due to new security restrictions implemented in Joomla! 3.4.0
03 Nov 2015
Version 2.0.8
- Added - Staff notifications were not sent when bulk assigning them.
06 May 2015
Version 2.0.7
- Added - Can now sort tickets based on 'Time Spent' in both front and backend.
- Added - Show or hide the 'Time Spent' column in frontend.
- Updated - Menu item 'Tickets - List' sorting options updated.
- Fixed - In frontend, sorting tickets by a table column would display blank results at first.
29 Apr 2015
Version 2.0.6
- Added - Support for the new Google reCAPTCHA.
- Updated - Installation no longer sets MyISAM as the default storage engine for new tables.
- Updated - Optimized installation SQL.
- Fixed - If reCAPTCHA (Legacy) was not configured, the error message appeared incorrectly in the frontend.
27 Apr 2015
Version 2.0.5
- Fixed - In some cases, HTML messages were interfering with the proper ticket display.
16 Apr 2015
Version 2.0.4
- Fixed - Knowledgebase Articles meta data was being overridden by menu item parameters.
- Fixed - Knowledgebase Categories meta data was being overridden by menu item parameters.
10 Apr 2015
Version 2.0.3
- Fixed - The 'Consecutive replies notification' was not working.
24 Mar 2015
Version 2.0.2
- Added - Placeholders that can be used in emails: {priority} and {status}.
- Updated - Tabs will remember their open status when navigating back to the page.
- Fixed - The 'Consecutive replies notification' was counting System Messages as well.
- Fixed - System Messages were showing up when automatically converting a ticket to an article.
- Fixed - Custom field tooltips were not being HTML encoded.
- Fixed - A System Message was showing up in the email when the assigning a staff member to a ticket.
- Fixed - Replace JError::raiseError() calls with PHP Exception throwing.
16 Mar 2015
Version 2.0.1
- Fixed - System Messages were showing up in the Dashboard instead of actual replies.
- Fixed - System Messages were showing up when converting a ticket to an article.
12 Mar 2015
Version 2.0.0
Read blogpost- Added - Triggers for System Plugins - onAfterTicketInformation, onBeforeStoreTicket, onBeforeStoreTicketReply, onAfterStoreTicket, onAfterStoreTicketReply (all of them are prefixed with com_rsticketspro to avoid collisions).
- Added - A System Message is now recorded in the ticket when a ticket has changed status, assignment, priority or department.
- Updated - Now using different placeholder avatars for Staff and Customer (when using Gravatar).
- Updated - 'Select Lists' fields can now display <optgroup> tags through the '[g]' keyword.
- Updated - CSS improvements to allow for a better experience on mobile devices.
- Updated - Spaces and tabs are now properly formatted when displaying the ticket message.
- Updated - Classes have been added for each message (com-rsticketspro-msg-staff and com-rsticketspro-msg-customer).
- Updated - When a ticket is set to on-hold this action is recorded in the 'View history' area.
- Fixed - Saving a 'Predefined Search' now calculates the ordering correctly.
- Fixed - Joomla! 3.4.0 sidebar was not showing correctly.
- Fixed - Gravatars now point to https:// when you're using SSL.
06 Jan 2015
Version 1.9.29
- Fixed - Uninstalling RSTickets! Pro would result in an SQL error.
- Fixed - There was a potential SQL error when tampering with the filter_order variable in the Knowledgebase menu item.
22 Dec 2014
Version 1.9.28
- Updated - Joomla! 2.5 only - added option to list articles from all categories.
- Fixed - Knowledgebase Categories were not displayed if limit was set to 'All'.
24 Nov 2014
Version 1.9.27
- Fixed - There was a small issue where the update code wasn't recognized when opening the Knowledgebase.
07 Nov 2014
Version 1.9.26
- Fixed - Custom Fields - Radio groups were not displaying the value when viewing a ticket.
29 Oct 2014
Version 1.9.25
- Fixed - Filter by Department, Status or Priority (backend) no longer remains selected to avoid conflicts with the Advanced Search.
- Fixed - Tickets pagination wasn't working correctly in the frontend.
- Fixed - In some cases, when using Advanced Search, it wasn't possible to navigate past the first page.
09 Oct 2014
Version 1.9.24
- Fixed - 'Tickets - List' menu item parameters 'Order' and 'Direction' weren't being taken into account.
01 Oct 2014
Version 1.9.23
- Fixed - Worked around bug in Joomla! 3 that prevented the action dropdown (in item listing) from functioning correctly.
25 Sep 2014
Version 1.9.22
- Fixed - Placeholders {staff_name}, {staff_username}, {staff_email} were not working in the "Triggered Keywords" email.
23 Sep 2014
Version 1.9.21
- Fixed - Joomla! "Permissions" were appearing twice.
12 Sep 2014
Version 1.9.20
- Updated - Ticket listing layout improvements - some columns are hidden on phones and tablets.
11 Sep 2014
Version 1.9.19
- Fixed - Article (from Knowledgebase) Breadcrumbs - category wasn't clickable.
04 Sep 2014
Version 1.9.18
- Fixed - Static assignment did not work correctly if the staff submitted a ticket on behalf of a customer.
21 Jul 2014
Version 1.9.17
- Fixed - "Tickets - Submit Form" now uses Bootstrap classes to generate fields (on Joomla! 2.5)
- Fixed - "Tickets - Dashboard" was missing a "span12" block.
- Fixed - Missing text in language file - COM_RSTICKETSPRO_ERROR_NO_ITEMS_SELECTED
03 Jun 2014
Version 1.9.16
- Fixed - "Triggered Keywords" were being detected for partial matches as well.
29 May 2014
Version 1.9.15
- Updated - Parameters can be specified in the URL in the ticket submission form (eg. jform[subject]=Help).
14 May 2014
Version 1.9.14
- Fixed - Workaround for Joomla! 3.3.0 no longer loading core.js by default.
- Fixed - Some menu descriptions were incorrect / broken.
27 Mar 2014
Version 1.9.13
- Fixed - Dashboard search in Joomla! 2.5 wasn't working correctly.
27 Feb 2014
Version 1.9.12
- Updated - Custom fields improvements and bug fixes.
- Updated - Kunena 3 avatar support.
- Added - (Submit Ticket) Department can be selected in the frontend by appending the &department_id= in the URL.
- Added - Unregistered users will be redirected to the login area when accessing a ticket link.
- Added - Ability to disable Bootstrap.
- Fixed - Some pagination problems in the Manage Tickets area have been fixed.
- Fixed - Isis + typeahead was causing some CSS issues.
- Fixed - Various fixes to the HTML cleaning function.
- Fixed - Changed "modal" class to "rsmodal" to prevent conflicts with Bootstrap.
27 Feb 2014
Switched to new version mode.
10 Oct 2013
Rev 9 Joomla! 2.5 and 3.x only
- Updated - Joomla 3.x compatibility.
- Updated - Refactored code to use less resources.
- Added - Bootstrap layout.
- Added - Ability to select the User Group new customers will be added to.
- Added - Three types of ticket viewing types: Plain, Tabbed and Accordion.
- Added - Load Joomla! Content Plugins in the Knowledgebase area.
- Added - Manage Tickets (Backend) quick filters: Departments, Priorities and Statuses.
- Added - Ticket Viewing History now stores more information (who viewed, closed, opened the ticket, when it was notified and auto-closed)
- Added - Joomla! 2.5.x only: Ability to disable Bootstrap.
- Fixed - Attempt to calculate Item IDs feature was messing up some menu items.
- Fixed - Messages now retain how they were sent (HTML or Text).
- Fixed - Email Parser Cron Plugin wouldn't parse correctly ticket codes when they contained a dash (-).
- Fixed - New Ticket (Backend) did not verify the Staff Member's permissions to submit a new ticket.
- Fixed - Incorrect HTML tags in messages are now automatically fixed.
02 Nov 2011
Rev 8
- Updated - Page title is now set to the article title
- Updated - Added more checks when setting up uploads
- Updated - Logging in from the dashboard now returns you to the previous page
- Updated - You can now use value|text in dropdowns, checkboxes and radio groups
- Updated - Custom fields link next to departments
- Updated - Dashboard now searches in all categories when pressing "Search"
- Added - Fallback method for Joomla! language files
- Added - Knowledgebase comments integration: Facebook, RSComments!, JComments, JomComment
- Added - You can search for unassigned tickets by using "0" in the "Staff" textbox
- Added - Maximum files to be uploaded (simultaneously) per department
- Added - More explanatory error messages when an upload doesn't succeed
- Added - Ability to disable the knowledgebase search & signature
- Added - Staff members can now get tickets assigned based on priority
- Added - CC and BCC for departments
- Added - Predefined subjects per department (enabled from the Configuration area)
- Added - Item ID for Customers and Staff Members when sending out emails
- Added - Content ordering for the "Knowledgebase Layout"
- Added - New email placeholders: {department_id}, {department_name}
- Added - "Time Spent" on a ticket - the staff member fills it in
- Added - "Advanced Search" in the backend when managing tickets
- Added - "Send email to customer with a copy of his ticket" option when configuring the department
- Fixed - Unpublished categories were not displayed when selecting a parent category
- Fixed - Search was not extensive enough
- Fixed - Searches ordering was not calculated correctly
- Fixed - Default avatars were not displayed correctly in the backend
- Fixed - Dashboard ajax search not working correctly
- Fixed - Pagination not showing correctly in 1.6/1.7
- Fixed - Knowledgebase article filtering not working correctly
15 Jun 2011
Rev 7
- Updated - Reports Plugin is now using a new Javascript library
- Added - Notification emails: when a ticket is unassigned and receives a number of customer replies, when the ticket is assigned and receives a number of customer replies with no staff member response
- Added - Notification email when certain keywords are detected
- Added - The "Submit Ticket" menu item can now be set to not select any department by default
- Added - When viewing a ticket you can now see the customer's ticket history (other submitted tickets)
- Fixed - Using UTF-8 encoding when converting HTML entities
- Fixed - Reports Plugin was not displaying the graph
28 Feb 2011
Rev 6
- Updated - Joomla! 1.6 Compatibility
- Updated - Improved and redesigned views
- Updated - Replaced original Joomla! Tabs with custom ones to avoid browser bugs
- Updated - Some language updates
- Added - A new view called Dashboard
- Added - Thumbs to categories
26 Oct 2010
Rev 5
- Added - Cron Email Parser now shows a log of activity
- Added - Ability to limit the size of uploaded files
- Added - Departments can now send emails using their own email address
- Added - "Most Read Articles" module
- Added - "Latest Articles" module
- Added - Description (tooltips) for custom fields
- Added - Knowledgebase articles hits
- Added - Tickets with attachments are now marked with a small icon
- Fixed - SQL improvements when loading the RSTickets! Pro configuration
- Fixed - Changed SEF link "select" to "choose" to avoid triggering security protections on some servers
- Fixed - The Cron Email Parser was ignoring some settings
02 Sep 2010
Rev 4
- Updated - When only allowing registered users to submit a ticket, the user will be redirected to a login page
- Updated - Color picker from the Reports Plugin compatible with MooTools Upgrade
- Added - Tickets can be submitted in the backend
- Added - Tickets can now be colored based on their priority level
- Added - Customers can now be redirected to a custom URL when submitting a ticket
- Added - Ability to force staff members to see only their own departments
- Added - Ability to choose whether or not to include attachments in emails
- Added - Ticket messages can now be sorted descending or ascending, by date
- Fixed - Staff members validation bug
- Fixed - Staff members permissions bug (replying)
- Fixed - Custom fields not being ordered in ticket view
- Fixed - Bug with listing articles in the backend
- Fixed - "All categories" no longer appears as a category when editing articles
- Fixed - Attachments are now sent with notifications email
07 Jun 2010
Rev 3
- Added - Show clickable email address
- Added - Define custom Itemid to the Search Menu Item
- Added - Ability to either select a CSS design or inherit template
- Added - Menu filters now work for customers instead of only staff members
- Fixed - HTML characters being stripped when not using the Joomla! editor
- Fixed - Email messages not being saved correctly in a special situation
25 May 2010
Rev 2
- Added - Department ID in departments list
- Added - Default department parameter to the "Submit Tickets" layout
- Fixed - Replaced search filtering to allow numbers
- Fixed - Custom Fields value selection bug
- Fixed - Allowed extensions are no longer case-sensitive
- Fixed - Javascript fix when no WYSIWYG editor is used
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